OSHA and Regulatory Compliance

Under OSHA, employers have many responsibilities:

  • Provide a workplace free of recognized hazards
  • Comply with OSHA regulations
  • Provide training required by OSHA standards
  • Keep injury and illness records
  • Provide medical exams when required and worker access to medical and exposure records
  • Post OSHA citations and hazard correction notices
  • Prohibit discrimination against workers who exercise their rights under OSHA
  • Provide and pay for most personal protective equipment

We assist employers with understanding and meeting their responsibilities in a variety of ways through:

  • Program review, audits, and hazard identification that establishes a baseline and defines action areas
  • Written programs, training, education, inspection, monitoring and documentation that may be needed
  • Support for answering citations and any compliance-related issues and questions

Occupational safety and health program development projects have been carried out covering these areas:

Hazard communication, blood borne pathogens, confined spaces, personal protective equipment, respiratory protection, noise, heat stress and others.  

Program development has involved:

 Facility audits, management program review and training. Laboratory safety and health projects include audits, training, exposure determination, fume hood evaluation, program development and chemical hygiene plans.